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1 September 2005 Factors affecting harvest-reporting rates for white-tailed deer
Howard J. Kilpatrick, Andrew M. LaBonte, John S. Barclay
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Harvest data often are used to model deer (Odocoileus sp.) population growth and evaluate harvest strategies. Understanding factors that may influence harvest-reporting rates among methods of data collection is important in assessing the reliability of harvest data. Our objectives were to compare deer harvest-reporting rates over a 3-year period between mail-in archery-kill report cards (AKRC) and hunter surveys (HS) from the same group of bowhunters, assess the effects of harvest incentive programs, and evaluate factors influencing harvest-reporting rates. Estimated deer harvest, based on the HS, was almost 2.5 times greater than estimated harvest from AKRC. Of hunters initially classified as unsuccessful because no AKRC were submitted, 61% reported harvesting a deer on the HS. The HS appeared to better reflect actual deer harvest, and AKRC were more representative of actual harvest when harvest incentives were provided. Hunters classified as “less active” reported harvesting more deer on the HS than on AKRC for only 1 of 3 years, while hunters classified as “more active” reported harvesting more deer on the HS than on AKRC for all 3 years. Harvest incentives such as “earn a buck” or “earn a trip” may increase harvest and harvest-reporting rates. Hunters who spent much time hunting and harvested multiple deer in a season appeared to be more relaxed about reporting harvest on AKRC than hunters who spent less time hunting and harvested fewer deer. We concluded that harvest incentives will increase harvest-reporting rates, especially in areas with high deer populations, and that caution should be used when evaluating effects of harvest incentive programs.

Howard J. Kilpatrick, Andrew M. LaBonte, and John S. Barclay "Factors affecting harvest-reporting rates for white-tailed deer," Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(3), 974-980, (1 September 2005).[974:FAHRFW]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 September 2005

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archery-kill report cards
harvest incentives
harvest reporting rates
Odocoileus virginianus
white-tailed deer
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